Did you ever have doubts about your work or doubts about doing the right thing? | Just Vision דילוג לתוכן העיקרי

Did you ever have doubts about your work or doubts about doing the right thing?

I didn't have doubts about my work itself; I had doubts about the timing. Sometimes I have a feeling that we are not prepared, as Palestinians and Israelis, for a historical compromise. Each side, especially the Israelis, has its interests as terms of reference before reaching an agreement. They are scared of demography but want to keep occupying the land. With this mentality of building walls and eliminating a threat, we will not have peace. They consider us a demographic and terrorist threat. They accuse us of not belonging to the area. Their solution is to build a wall. Rami Nasrallah 23 Obstacles & Challenges

Did you ever have doubts about your work or doubts about doing the right thing?

I didn't have doubts about my work itself; I had doubts about timing. Sometimes I have a feeling that we are not prepared, Palestinians and Israelis, for a historical compromise. Each side, especially the Israelis, has its interests as terms of reference before reaching an agreement. They are scared of demography,1 but want to keep occupying the land. With this mentality of building walls and eliminating threats, we will not have peace. They consider us a demographic and terrorist threat. They accuse us of not belonging here. Their solution is to build a wall. Either we build our viable and democratic state on the lands occupied on the 4th of June 1967, or we will continue fighting and killing each other for another hundred or two hundred years.
  • 1Demography-- a term used to denote the ethno-religious make-up of the population-- is at the center of a national debate about the State of Israel's Jewish character. Conferences and councils convene to discuss this issue. Galili, Lily "A Jewish demographic state" Haaretz 6/27/2002 http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=181001