What have you learned from experience? | Just Vision דילוג לתוכן העיקרי

What have you learned from experience?

Rami Nasrallah 27

What have you learned from experience?

I think we should deal with the conflict based on a cost-benefit approach, and assess how we are dealing with the conflict and the resolution of the conflict. We consider our interests as Palestinians, which don't contradict the Israeli interests. Our interests are according to our needs as Palestinians, not according to the needs of the Israelis. Peace should be based on the real interests of the Israelis and the Palestinians. Until now the only agenda for peace was the Israelis'. Oslo was based on Israel subcontracting security and was a double bureaucracy. When you went to a border crossing, you gave your passport to the Palestinian police whose only authority is to give it to the Israeli authorities behind the scenes who made the decision as to whether you could pass or not. This is not peace. We should be able to make our own decisions about our political identity, and not do the job of the Israeli Occupation. The result is that the Palestinian Authority today, during the whole reoccupation of the Palestinian territories, did not force Israel to take responsibility for services for the people. It has become a free occupation. Israel enters the Palestinian cities to occupy and kill, but they do not take responsibility for providing anything! They leave it up to the Palestinian Authority to pay for health, education and all the services while we are under occupation. This is an open occupation and is the result of Oslo.